
Our work presented at 31st International Conference on Biomaterials in Medicine in Rytro 16.10.2022 21:32

Dr. Gokhan Demirci has attended to an international conference "31st Biomaterials in Medicine and Veterinary Medicine Rytro, Poland" held from 13 to 16 October 2022, and presented oral presentation titled "Synthesis and characterization of Amphiphilic Polymer Networks". In his lecture, the results of research work performed within OPUS17 project (led by prof. Mirosława El Fray) titled “Hybrid and elastomeric polymer networks: synthesis, structure and properties” have been presented. Over 130 scientists from various countries including UK, Belgium, Czech Republic and Slovakia have attended the conference presenting 34 lectures and 80 poster presentation.


 Dr. Gokhan Demirci at Rytro 2022