New first cycle "Materials Science and Engineering" program
Materials science and engineering (MSE) is an interdisciplinary field focused on the design, fabrication, and characterization of new materials, including polymers, ceramics, metals, and composites. Novel, advanced materials play key roles in diverse applications, including energy capture and storage devices, sustainable and advanced packaging materials, biomaterials, and more. As a result, by applying fundamental science in the pursuit of beneficial engineering solutions, MSE has a major societal impact. Based on knowledge of the underlying physical, chemical, and biological phenomena, material science engineers trained at the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering (2021/22) will be able to design and study new materials at various length scales, ranging from the atomic and molecular and nanoscopic level to that of macroscopic, complex systems, including various devices. The acquired knowledge will be used to tune materials for advanced technologies, ranging from biosensors and functional surfaces to aerospace composites and medical device platforms.