In Warsaw, the results of the European Ranking of Engineering Programs, or EngiRank for short, were announced. This is a pilot version of the ranking, which as the first one in this area is not an "extract" from the general ranking of universities, but is based on indicators important for engineering education, aimed at educating competent and creative engineers aware of the social effects of their actions. The ranking includes universities and engineering programs in 13 countries of the so-called New Europe, i.e. those that joined the European Union in 2004 and later.
According to EngiRank, the best university in the New Europe countries is the Warsaw University of Technology. The second place is occupied by the AGH University of Science and Technology, ahead of the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague. In the top 20, besides Polish (there are 9) and Czech (there are 3) there are also universities from Cyprus (2), Slovakia (2), Hungary, Slovenia, Estonia and Romania.
In particular disciplines, the second place (together with the Warsaw University of Technology) should be noted in the discipline of Materials Engineering. The position in the rank has been calculated based on excellence in education (20%) and research activities (80%). The lead role in research in the field of Materials Engineering is due to scientific achievements of researchers from the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics. It is important to notice that the Nanotechnology program at the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering belongs also to the discipline of Materials Engineering.
The ranking was initiated and realized by the Educational Foundation "Perspectives". The main partner of the project is the Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE), which is the national agency of the Erasmus+ programme in Poland, and the supporting partner of IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence - an international organization of authors and analysts of academic rankings. Elsevier provided significant support in preparing the ranking.
The "Perspektywy" Foundation has many years of experience in the field of educational rankings. For over 20 years it has published the Ranking of Higher Education Institutions in Poland as well as rankings of high schools, technicians and MBA programs. It also actively participates in the activities of IREG Observatory to improve the quality of rankings worldwide.
"Thanks to the EngiRank, students participating in the exchange within the Erasmus+ programme will have an opportunity to better, based on facts, choose the university where they want to deepen their knowledge in the engineering discipline of their interest". - emphasizes Paweł Poszytek, CEO of FRSE.
The data for the ranking comes from Scopus database, European Patent Office PATSTAT, Horizon2020 program, organizations accrediting engineering studies (ABET, ENAEE, RIBA and others) and Erasmus+ databases.
Ranking website:
EngiRank - Materials Engineering:
1 | Semmelweis University | Hungary | 100,00 |
2 | Warsaw University of Technology | Poland | 90,47 |
3 | West Pomeranian University of Technology | Poland | 90,12 |
4 | Poznań University of Technology | Poland | 88,18 |
5 | Lodz University of Technology | Poland | 85,53 |